Thursday, 10 August 2017

Photoshop Photos (Using Practice)

In this below photos(Links) are using Photoshop Photos using Practice level.. Like Frames,Wedding Photos etc....

Wedding Album Design Photos:-

Lighting Effect Photos:-

Human with Pimples Photos:-


Wedding Photos:-

New Photos:-

New Photos 2:-


Monday, 7 August 2017

Rehearse Timings in Ms-Power Point

In this video we can discuss about Rehearse timing's on the Slide

Rehearse Timing :-
By using this option we can apply the timing to the specified slides and specified effects. It is mainly used to display the names and shapes and here we can reset the timing also.


Action Buttons in Ms-PowerPoint

In this video we can discuss about How to Apply Action Buttons on Slide.

Action buttons are built-in button shapes you can add to a presentation and set to link to another slide, play a sound, or perform a similar action. When someone clicks or moves over the button, the selected action will occur.


Hyperlink & Bookmark in Ms-PowerPoint

In this video we can discuss about How to Use Hyperlink & Book mark on the Slide.

* Right-click the selected text or image, then click Hyperlink.
* The Insert Hyperlink dialog box will appear.
* On the left side of the dialog box, click Place in this Document. Creating a hyperlink to another slide.
* A list of the other slides in your presentation will appear.
* Click OK.

Book Mark:-
Video clip: 
Under Video Tools, on the Playback tab, in the Bookmarks group, click Add Bookmark.
Audio clip: 
Under Audio Tools, on the Playback tab, in the Bookmarks group, click Add Bookmark.


Photo Album in Ms-Power Point

In this video we can discuss about How to use Photo Album Option.

Photo album:-
Creating a photo album in Microsoft Office PowerPoint from pictures on your hard disk
*  Go to Insert Tab
*  Go to Images Group
*  Click Photo album
*  Click New photo album
*  Click File/Disk
*  Select the Photos on your Computer
*  Click Insert Button
*  Click Create Button


Custom Slide Show in Ms-Power point

In this video we can discuss about How to Use Custom Slide Show Option.

Click CUSTOM SLIDE SHOW, then Custom Shows... to bring up the Custom Shows dialog. Click New and choose the slides you wish to use in your show and the order.


Slide Show in Ms-Power Point

In this video we can discuss about How to use Slide Show Option.

There are several different ways to start your slide show.
In the bottom right hand corner of the screen, next to the zoom slider, click on the small slideshow button . The show will start from the first slide. 

· Click FROM BEGINNING to start the show from the first slide.
· Click FROM CURRENT SLIDE to start from the slide you have active.


Animation(All Options) in Ms-Power Point

In this video we can discuss about Types of Animations & how to apply Animations on the Slide

Apply a custom animation effect:-
1. Select the text or object that you want to animate.
2. On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click Custom Animation.
3. A Custom animation task pane will appear on the right of the screen.
4. In the Custom Animation task pane, click Add Effect, and then do one or more 
5. Specify your desired speed for the text animation.
6. Preview the effect.


Transitions & Timing in Ms-Power Point 2016

In this video we can discuss about How to apply Transitions on the Slide.

Transitions to the slide:- 
Slide transitions are like the effects used in films to change from scene to scene. 
A transition is a special effect used to introduce a slide during a slide show.

Removing Transitions:- 
On the Animation tab in the Transitions gallery choose No Transition 
The transition will be removed from the slide.


Themes & Timing in Ms-Power Point 2016

In this video we can discuss about How to apply Themes & Timings on the Slide.

Design themes are a convenient way to add a professional flair to your presentation. 
Themes include preset color palettes, fonts, backgrounds, and formatting effects. 

Selecting a Theme:- 
To choose a Theme for an open slide, use the Theme group under the Design tab. 
Use the arrows on the right of the Theme group to scroll through the themes, or to see all available themes at once.


Slides,Layout,Sections in Ms-Power Point 2016

In this video we can discuss about Slides,Layout,Reset,Sections Options on the Slide.

New Slide:-
* Click the New Slide button on the Formatting toolbar.
* From the list of Slide Layouts, select the layout you want to apply to the new slide. 
* You may now begin adding content using the placeholders in the layout.

If you want a different layout for the slide you can quickly change the layout for any slide.

Reset Slide:-
You may have to change the position, size, and text layout for the placeholders on the slide.

Delete Slide:-
Right-click the slide that you want to delete, and then click Delete Slide.


Above 30 Formulas & Functions in Ms-Excel

In this video we can discuss about 30 Above Excel Formulas in Excel.

1.  Mathematical Functions
2.  Statistical Functions
3.  Date & Time Functions
4.  Text Functions
5.  Count Functions
6.  Logical functions 


Above 10 Mathematical Problems in Ms-Excel

In this video we can discuss about Above 10 Mathematical Problems in Excel.

1. Student Marks Table
2. Working of Employee Table
3. Using Power Station
4. Discount Table
5. Financial Table 
6. Using Cinema Theaters tickets
7. Traveling Agency
8. Partner Ship
9. Stock Items
10.Employee Payroll Table
11.Student Grade,Result Tables (IF Formula) 


How to use Object in Ms-Excel

In this video we can discuss about How to use Object Option in Excel.

You can insert objects into a Microsoft Excel Sheet when you want to include information from files created in other Microsoft Office programs or in any program that supports linked objects and embedded objects.


Friday, 28 July 2017

Scale to Fit in Ms-Excel

In this video we can discuss about Scale to Fit option in Excel.

Scale to fit:-
You can scale a worksheet for printing by shrinking or enlarging its size to better fit the printed pages. 
You can also scale a worksheet to fit the paper width of printed pages, or specify the number of pages that you want to use for the printed worksheet.
